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Pioneer Square Spring Clean 2017


We love our hood!  So when we get the chance to be part of the annual Pioneer Square Alliance spring clean, our team jumps right in.  This is the third year we have been part of the neighborhood clean-up .

We love the opportunity to gather as neighbors and work together to improve our community and of course, have some fun!

As a long-time, locally owned family company, Pillar Properties and Stadium Place are committed to the Puget Sound region and making a difference in our community - we call it being LocaliciousTM!

The day started with breakfast snacks and coffee…we were excited to get our matching t-shirts!

Then we were off to tackle a number of projects, like weeding, mulching, and removing posters from historic light poles.

As the cleaning commenced, Seattle's first neighborhood was looking shiny and new, with all of the historic charm we love!

All in a day's work!

Stadium Place

521 Stadium Place South Seattle, WA 98104