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Oh What Fun!


It has become a tradition during the holidays for the Stadium Place team to cook a big, festive breakfast before the home Seahawks game to bring everyone together to celebrate the season!

This is also in part of our annual toy drive for Toys for Tots. This year, we had Seahawks jerseys and beanies to raffle off to those who brought a toy to the breakfast to donate to Toys for Tots. This event is extra special each year because the Marines from Toys for Tots join us to show their support of our efforts.

This year we also had Jordan Babineaux with us to raise our 12th man flag before the Seahawks game and encourage everyone to participate in the spirit of the season.

We were overjoyed with the response as toys flooded in!

Thank you to everyone who shared their morning with us and contributed to the toy drive, we appreciate your kindness and generosity.

Happy Holidays from the Stadium Place team.

Stadium Place

521 Stadium Place South Seattle, WA 98104