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Fur Friend Fest


We had hot dogs on the grill and the real dogs at Stadium Place were ready to play! The 5th floor lounge was filled with human and dog treats and the patio was filled with toys.

Our good friends from the local pet shop, Pioneer Pet Feed & Supply brought different dog foods for our residents (well, their dogs anyway) to try out as well as doggy bags with a variety of specialty treats! They're so good to us at Stadium Place and our residents just love them!

This was a Pillar Loves Pets event, part of our Pillar Passions program. Each quarter we support a charitable organization and provide the opportunity to our residents to give back as well. During Pillar Loves Pets we support the Seattle Animal Shelter.

Here are a few of our favorite photos from the event!

Shaking for treats!

The toys are bigger than the dog!

"I'm not begging, I'm posing."

Thank you to everyone who came to our Fur Friends Fest and a huge thank you to everyone who donated to the Seattle Animal Shelter.

Stadium Place

521 Stadium Place South Seattle, WA 98104